McClain’s RV donates $5,000 to RV Learning Center

(Sept. 26, 2013) -- “The long-term commitment to the RV Learning Center exemplified by McClain’s RV Superstores is to be lauded and, I hope, repeated by many in our industry,” said Pastore. “The gift from McClain’s at this time, as we prepare for our most important education event of the year, really shines a spotlight on the centerpiece of the RV Learning Center, the convention/expo."

Sobel University class addresses skipping steps

(Sept. 26, 2013) -- "What would be the outcome of showing a product before you determine the client’s wants and needs?  What could happen if we helped a client fall in love with a product that they could not afford?" Sobel asked. "To someone new to a sales position, these are serious questions and don’t make any logical sense.  To the experienced manager who watches their sales staff do this daily, it’s just sad."

Jeff Cripe becomes Cruiser product manager

(Sept. 26, 2013) -- “Jeff Cripe is a key hire for CrossRoads RV," said Thompson. "He brings instant credibility to what we believe is the best mid-profile in the industry.  I love his excitement, experience, and product and market knowledge-not to mention his outstanding dealer relationships. This is exactly what we need to propel the Cruiser brand to the hottest mid-pro in the RV industry.”

U.S. GDP holds steady, but may impact third quarter

(Sept. 26, 2013) -- "Today’s GDP report confirmed that second-quarter 2013 growth more than doubled relative to the disappointing first-quarter increase of only 1.1 percent," said Ferley. "Although this is encouraging, the second-quarter strengthening may have come at the expense of the third quarter with some inventory accumulation being advanced."