Texas man creates Airstream for birds

(Nov. 30, 2011) -- When Chris Cummings started making birdhouses, he thought he was just combining his love for Airstream trailers with his passion for art. But little did he know that they'd sell faster than he could make them, be featured in magazines, and that he'd have to copyright the design, reports ReporterNews.com.

NPCA warns against Park Service cuts

(Nov. 30, 2011) -- The Flathead Publishing Group reports that since the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction failed to reach an agreement on how to cut federal budget deficit earlier this month, automatic cuts are set to go into effect in Jan. 2013, meaning an eight percent cut across all programs for the NPS.

Fleetwood RV reveals Power Bridge chassis

(Nov. 30, 2011) -- Designed for exceptional strength, durability and safety, the Power Bridge II chassis is built on a solid foundation derived from the collaborative efforts of Fleetwood RV’s product development and engineering teams along with its parent company, Allied Specialty Vehicles, said Draheim.