Keystone employees set United Way record

(Dec. 12, 2011) -- Even in this difficult economy, Keystone employees contributed more than $140,000, making the company the No. 1 United Way contributor in Elkhart County. Since 1998, Keystone RV has raised a total of $2,391,872 and has been the No. 1 United Way contributor in Elkhart County nine of the past 10 years.

RV Education 101 launches consumer e-magazine

(Dec. 12, 2011) -- "Since 1999, we have helped educate well over a quarter-million RV owners. Additionally we have published an RV e-newsletter that includes RV how-to information and video tips for the past decade," Polk said. "We feel we are at a point where it makes sense for the e-newsletter to evolve into a digital consumer driven e-magazine."