Lance Rolls Out IOS-Based Retail Product App

Lance Camper Manufacturing Corp. announced the release of the IOS-based version of their retail product app, designed for Apple’s iPad devices. “With 44% of the U.S. population using Apple mobile/tablet products, the IOS version of the Lance product app will allow many more users to take advantage of this awesome tool,” said Director of Marketing Bob […]

Progressive’s Mighty Mini Used in Small House

Progressive Dynamics Inc.’s “Mighty Mini” all-in-one AC/DC distribution panel/converter was recently installed in a self-built tiny house in Oklahoma.  According to a press release, the electrical panel/wiring can be used for a tiny house or camp cabin. The “Mighty Mini” is the industry’s smallest 45- or 60-amp all-in-one AC/DC distribution panel/converter. It is available with Progressive Dynamics’ […]