North Dakota ‘Oil Boom’ is Filling up State Parks

State officials say the booming Bakken oil region of western North Dakota’s isn’t just driving folks to the state, but also its parks. The Associated Press reported that state parks officials this week said the state’s parks are setting visitation records again this year as the state’s population continues to increase. Greg Corcoran, the manager at Lake […]

Society of Certified RV Professionals launches in Vegas

(Nov. 11, 2014) -- All RVDA/RVIA certified technicians and all RV Learning Center credentialed fixed operations certified personnel, including those that aspire to become certified, are admitted into the society at no cost, Horsey explained. It's primary goal is to identify and recognize employees who take the time to advance their careers by achieving certification in their fields.

Nappanee, Ind., Looking at Proposal for RV Park

The Goshen, Ind., Board of Works will facilitate a feasibility study for a potential recreation vehicle park on the west edge of town. As reported by the Goshen News, members approved the hiring of Commonwealth Engineers to conduct the study of costs and how such a park would benefit the city’s tourism industry. “On paper […]

Nappanee city considers new RV park

(Nov. 11, 2014) -- The Board of Works will facilitate a feasibility study for a potential recreation vehicle park on the west edge of Nappanee, Ind.Members approved the hiring of Commonwealth Engineers to conduct the study of costs and how such a park would benefit the city’s tourism industry.