Oregon court ruling may pose problems for campgrounds

(Dec. 31, 2013) -- "€œHis truck was there, his tent was there, and for a week that was going to be his residence,"€ said Wolf's attorney. "His kitchen was outside over the fire. He would have a folding chair. That would have been his living room. So I would suggest that the entire camp space, not the campground, but that space that he had rented, is his residence." I am no lawyer, but such a ruling seems to put campground owners in a very uncomfortable position. If they lease space to an RVer or camper, what kind of restrictions can they place on campers when in their rented "homes." Can campground owners really dictate whether their guests have guns, can smoke, play loud music, or enforce a quiet hour?

Fine Cut For ‘Unlicensed’ Campground Owners

The Williams, N.D., County Commission decided Monday (Dec. 30) to impose a heavily reduced fine on the owners of Top Notch Services who were alleged to have operated an unlicensed RV park for two years without consequence. The Williston Herald reported that on Dec. 10, the commission postponed charging more than $1.2 million in fines [...]

Date set for Central Illinois RV Show

(Dec. 31, 2013) -- Feb. 28, attempts will be made to see how many marshmallows an individual can eat in one minute to submit to Guinness World Records. The current record is 25. Puppeter Grandpa Crackett will drive his RV around the Civic Center entertaining children with his stories and antics.

NFIB fights overzealous EPA actions

(Dec. 31, 2013) -- “If the rule is allowed to stand, small business owners will be subject to even more paperwork, more oversight and big-time fines," said Harned. "The negative impact it will have on small-business owners will be great, and the cost to the stability of our economy will be devastating. NFIB urges the court to strike down EPA’s unprecedented regulations.”

Seffner-Dover area growing into RV sales hub

(Dec. 31, 2013) -- Florida is second to California in number of dealerships, and sites along Interstate 4 in the Seffner-Dover region are proving to be lucrative grounds for retailing, the paper noted. New York-based RV One Superstores is the newest dealership to join the local competition with the Jan. 2 opening of Tampa RV.