RVDA webinar zeros in on HR issues Thursday

(July 29, 2013) -- RV dealers facing vexing human resources issues in their dealerships can get help during the next free webinar from the RV Learning Center. It will give dealers answers to the most common questions on wage and hour issues, sexual harassment claims, Family Medical Leave Act, and employee engagement.

Fan-Tastic to produce 3 millionth vent

(July 29, 2013) -- “We are all very excited to celebrate this impressive milestone.  Fan-Tastic Vent is one of the best known and utilized products in the industry and rightfully so," said Miller. Fan-Tastic Vent will offer special incentives for the consumer who obtains the 3 millionth fan.

Riverside Trailers helping Japan

(July 29, 2013) -- The three specialty trailers left California in early June and are now set and providing support for the ongoing recovery in Japan. “We are honored and proud to have been selected to build these vehicles for use in the disaster areas,” said Gerber.