Thor to move corporate headquarters to Elkhart, Ind.

(Jan. 10, 2013) -- “Given our commitment to the RV industry, we want to be more accessible and active in the community where a large majority of RVs are produced and where more than 70 percent of our operations are located,” said Orthwein. “With so many of Thor’s operations located in Elkhart and neighboring LaGrange counties, it makes sense to have our corporate management and support services as close to as many of our operating subsidiaries as possible.”

Jan. 12-20: Indy RV Expo

(Jan. 10, 2013) -- Some of the area's most renowned RV dealers are coming together to offer special show rates, on-the-spot financing, and factory incentives at the 45th annual Indy RV Expo, being held Jan. 12-20 at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis.

Cultural heritage experiences major factor in traveler decisions

(Jan. 10, 2013) -- Cultural and heritage experiences are important factors in attracting travelers to visit Oregon. Once here, these cultural heritage travelers spend nearly 60 percent more than the national average for cultural heritage travelers. The Heritage Commission has created a Heritage Bulletin to assist organizations and communities in becoming more welcoming to the cultural heritage traveler.