TriMas to release 3Q results Oct. 25

(Oct. 12, 2012) -- TriMas Corporation announced today that it will host its third quarter earnings conference call on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012. The conference call will begin at 10 a.m. Eastern Time and will follow the Company’s release of third quarter 2012 earnings results at 8 a.m. that day.

Winnebago’s 4Q revenue explodes by 24.5 percent

(Oct. 11, 2012) -- Revenues for the fourth quarter ended Aug. 25 were $162.5 million, an increase of 24.5 percent, versus $130.5 million for the fourth quarter of Fiscal 2011. Revenues for Fiscal 2012 were $581.7 million, an increase of 17.2 percent, versus revenues of $496.4 million for Fiscal 2011. Included within consolidated revenues was $56.8 million associated with towable products, compared to $16.7 million for Fiscal 2011.