PRVCA Distance Learning class starts Aug. 27

(Aug. 15, 2012) -- RV Air Conditioners (Beta 6015) will begin Aug. 27 and run through Oct. 7. Delving into the properties of vaporization and condensation and applying the principles of compression, students gain the skill necessary to troubleshoot component failures along with the ability to repair and/or replace vital components.  

Standing room only for BowStern in Beijing

(Aug. 15, 2012) -- Representatives from BowStern, a marketing firm specializing in the recreation lifestyle industry, returned to Florida today following a successful trip to Beijing. The team made presentations to a packed house that covered a broad range of subjects including emerging trends, resort design, marketing and investment opportunities here in the United States. 

Rubber Ducky Campground doubles in size

(Aug. 15, 2012) -- The popular resort and family campground has doubled its capacity with a major expansion that includes 120 new campsites, an additional swimming pool and hot tub. The campground now offers 207 campsites, motel style rooms, camping cabin, recreation building, two pools, two hot tubs, mini golf, two playgrounds and stocked trout ponds.  

Penn. cop charged with spying on RVing teens

(Aug. 15, 2012) -- Police allege Gould spied on the two girls while they showered in a RV at the Splash Mountain Campground from June 28 to July 1, the Times Leader reported. According to the criminal complaint, a 15- and 17-year-old girl suspected Gould spied on them while they showered inside the RV while camping. The girls found a picture on hinges and a two-way mirror in the bathroom.  

NPS report busts myth menstruating women attract bears

(Aug. 15, 2012) -- It is difficult to accurately compare the ratio of males to females that are injured by bears because the park does not keep records of visitor use in the park by gender. However, the bear-inflicted human injury data for Yellowstone National Park does not indicate any correlation between bear attacks and menstruation. Although there is no evidence that grizzly and black bears are overly attracted to menstrual odors more than any other odor, certain precautions should be taken to reduce the risks of attack.