RVDA convention explores sales, hiring, finances

(Aug. 21, 2012) -- Dealers and general managers attending the RV Dealers International Convention/Expo in Las Vegas Oct. 1 to 5 can choose among skill building track workshops that will empower them to determine what drives their sales force, how to put accountability front and center in the dealership and ways to hire only the best employees.  

Nine red flags the interview is going nowhere

(Aug. 21, 2012) -- A great interview is a pleasant surprise, but most are either mediocre or down-right bad. When an interview starts to take a nose dive, the best thing you, the interviewer, can do is end it quickly so you and your ex-prospect can continue your searches. Some indicators given off by the job candidate are as clear as day and just about anyone who has interviewed before, could surely pick up on those indicators, yet some others might need a tad more attention. 

Starcraft announces open house plans

(Aug. 21, 2012) -- During the week, Starcraft will showcase 35 of its 2013 full towable line up, 18 of which are new or redesigned. Starcraft will use the open house as a platform to introduce a new Comet RT Off-Road series and new floorplans that will appeal to a broader camping trailer market, the company announced.

Newmar delivers 1,000th new Essex

(Aug. 21, 2012) -- Newmar Corporation today handed off the keys to the new owner of the 1000th Essex built at Newmar, the company announced. Steve Biddle accepted the keys to the 2013 Essex from CEO Richard Parks and Vice President of Sales & Marketing John Sammut.