Giving back at the Good Sam Rally

(July 18, 2012) -- The Good Sam Club and its members opened their hearts and their wallets for a number of worthy causes at the June 21-24 Good Sam Rally at Louisville's Kentucky Exposition Center. The collective outpouring of generosity resulted in nearly $10,000 from Good Sam members and $33,000 from the Good Sam Club itself.

iRV2 editor shows how to install 360 roof vent siphon

(July 18, 2012) --  Some RVs will have multiple holding tanks and what is placed in the tanks needs to be vented for a number of reasons. If there is any pressure in a tank and a person opened a blade on a toilet, that could be a very unpleasant experience - therefore venting prevents any surprises, Pelchat noted. "Many RVs have original equipment caps that promote a positive pressure in the stack and therefore push out odors inside the coach," he said.