Prime Time Manufacturing receives quality award

(Feb. 8, 2012) -- “Prime Time Manufacturing is honored to have earned this Outstanding Achievement Award,” said Rank. “Only having a single deviation for the entire year is a credit to the hard work of our employees and the invaluable daily feedback and assistance received from the Forest River corporate codes and quality groups.  It certainly is a team effort.”

RVing to serve others

(Feb. 8, 2012) -- If you're 60 to 80-plus, would enjoy climbing ladders to paint lofty exteriors, fix century old plumbing or rewire a building that was originally lit by gas fixtures, and you have a recreational vehicle, then an Assemblies of God group might be interested in your services, writes The Daily News.

Host Industries adds features to 2013 models

(Feb. 7, 2012) -- In releasing its 2013 models, Host Industries announced today it has added more luxury to an already luxurious camper. For RVers who want to “go green,” Host offers an all LED lighting package, insulated windows with Solar Cool glass, pleated shades for better insulation and either a 145-watt or a whopping 290-watt solar power system.