FRVTA Readies for 2014 Florida RV SuperShow

The Florida RV Trade Association (FRVTA) will host the 29th Annual 2014 Florida RV SuperShow Jan. 15-19.  According to a press release, the RV SuperShow will again be held at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. FRVTA reported that the 2014 SuperShow will have representation from every major RV manufacturer as well as hundreds of accessory booths [...]

Blue Ox Unveils New Innovation For ‘SwayPro’

Pender, Neb.-based Blue Ox announced the newest innovation to its SwayPro weight-distributing hitch. According to a press release, the BXW4019 Signature Series Rotating Latch is a new bolt-on latch designed to accommodate frames from 3 inches to 6 inches tall. The Signature Series Latch can be bolted directly to or around the trailer frame. The [...]

Brit-based Bailey Reports Record Year for 2013

English-based RV maker Bailey of Bristol marked a special 65th anniversary, as the company recorded its most profitable year in 2013. Primary reasons for the production growth are their emergence in new markets, such as the introduction of coach-built motorhomes as well as the increased export of towable RVs to Australia and New Zealand. Both of [...]

Baird Sees Strong Indicators for Leisure Market

Editor’s Note: Robert W. Baird & Co. recently released its 2014 Consumer Leisure Outlook examining prospects for the discretionary spending marketplace. The following offers excerpts from the report. 2014 Outlook: 2013 was a banner year for consumer discretionary stocks. Fundamentals are in place for another good year, but further upside will rely on business momentum [...]

FRVTA Readies for 2014 Florida RV SuperShow

The Florida RV Trade Association (FRVTA) will host the 29th Annual 2014 Florida RV SuperShow Jan. 15-19.  According to a press release, the RV SuperShow will again be held at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. FRVTA reported that the 2014 SuperShow will have representation from every major RV manufacturer as well as hundreds of accessory booths [...]

PRVCA Holding Monthly ‘RV Moments’ Contest

The Pennsylvania RV and Camping Association (PRVCA) is holding a monthly “RV Moments” photo/video contest. According to a press release, contestants can enter by submitting a photo/video for the chance to win $100 gas card and a five-pound Hershey chocolate bar. Each month a new theme will be announced and a new winner will be crowned. [...]

Bernstein to Drive New Business at Ultrafabrics

Ultrafabrics LLC has hired Joseph Bernstein as the new director of business development for transportation, effective Jan. 7. According to a press release, Bernstein joins Ultrafabrics with extensive industry experience in the RV, truck, marine and other transportation related markets. “We feel Joe Bernstein encompasses the same professionalism and dedication that Ultrafabrics strives to achieve [...]

Blue Ox Unveils New Innovation For ‘SwayPro’

Pender, Neb.-based Blue Ox announced the newest innovation to its SwayPro weight-distributing hitch. According to a press release, the BXW4019 Signature Series Rotating Latch is a new bolt-on latch designed to accommodate frames from 3 inches to 6 inches tall. The Signature Series Latch can be bolted directly to or around the trailer frame. The [...]

TXAD Redesigns Website for Park Model Resort

TXAD Internet Services has redesigned the website for Hill Country Cottage and RV Resort in New Braunfels, Texas, one of the largest providers of park model accommodations in the Sunbelt. “We really wanted to gear the website to online reservations,” said Brad Pemberton, general manager of the resort, which has over 270 RV sites and [...]