VW has global commercial vehicle expansion in sight

(June 17, 2016) -- A new long-term strategy announced by Volkswagen emphasizes electric vehicles, autonomous technology and “mobility solutions” such as so-called “Uber for trucking” setups — and appears to reiterate a desire to become a player in the North American commercial vehicle market, potentially meaning an eventual bid to buy Navistar.

RVIA Honors Phlipot With RV Standards Award

Tom Phlipot, executive vice president for Progressive Dynamics Inc., was presented with the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association’s (RVIA) Distinguished Achievement in RV Standards Award by RVIA Chairman Derald Bontrager on June 7 during the association’s Committee Week meetings. According to a report in RVIA Today Express, the award recognizes those who have contributed to the […]

ARI & CDK Offer DMS Capabilities for Websites

CDK Global announced an integration and reseller agreement with ARI Network Services, Inc. to begin providing dealers with websites and enhanced integrations with Design Management System (DMS) capabilities in the RV, powersports and marine markets. This new offering allows dealers to instantly post unit inventory as well as available parts and accessories to their website […]

RVB Contributor Crider Eyes Kilimanjaro Climb

RV and campground industry publicist Jeff Crider — an ongoing contributor to RVBusiness and sister publication Woodall’s Campground Management — and his 17-year-old son, Max, have arrived in Tanzania for their long anticipated climb up Mount Kilimanjaro. The Criders are climbing Africa’s famed 19,341-foot volcano as a fundraising effort for Lifewater International, which brings safe water, sanitation and […]