PRVCA ‘Ranges and Cooktops’ Course is Slated

The RV Ranges and Cooktops course, offered by Northampton Community College in conjunction with the Pennsylvania RV and Camping Association (PRVCA), begins Feb. 22 and runs through March 20. The online program allows students to gain an in-depth understanding of recreation vehicle maintenance with intensive, competency-based instruction. Students simply log on to access the lecture notes, hands-on […]

RVSEF Will Hold Seminars at Atlantic City Show

RV Safety & Education Foundation (RVSEF) Executive Director Walter Cannon will be presenting seminars as part of the 21st Annual Atlantic City RV & Camping Show. Sessions include: Properly Matching trucks and trailers/fifth-wheels’ Weight and tire safety. RV and campground electrical safety. RVing – What’s it all about. What you should/should not expect from your dealer. “We’re excited […]

Byerly RV Donates $5,000 to RV Learning Center

Byerly RV Center in Eureka, Mo., contributed $5,000 to the Mike Molino RV Learning Center, bringing the dealership’s total giving to $57,000. Byerly RV is a leading donor in the highest category for giving, major donors. “Russ Patton of Byerly RV Center is one of those dealers who is rock solid in his support for […]